The main story for Masquerade KISS’s fourth and final suitor came out this summer. The Boss is the mysterious handler and long-time crush of our secret agent MC. She joins him on an undercover mission for this route.
If I didn’t already know that the MC had a thing for him, I probably wouldn’t have been interested in the Boss at all. Part of it is that I’m not into boss types; but also, in some of the other stories, he was not portrayed as someone she could wholly trust.
As usual, I read for free. In the other routes, I didn’t feel that anything significant was missing by taking the free options. In this one though, there were flashbacks to lines that you wouldn’t have seen if you didn’t spend the hearts for the Premium version of the story.
Overall, I didn’t get a good sense for what the Boss might be thinking during the story, or how he really felt about the MC.
There’s a scene in which he hurts “Akari”, and it’s pretty obviously implied that he had to do it in order to prevent further harm to her and the mission. But we don’t see him agonizing over it at all, and in fact, the whole thing seems to get swept under the rug as the story progresses. Honestly, I would have preferred it if he could not go through with it. As it is, I can’t help but get the impression that he didn’t cherish her as someone who truly loved her would.
Bottom line: I didn’t like him much compared to Kazuomi or Yuzuru. I might prefer him to Kei, but that’s because of my personal aversion to creepy types.